Energy Procurement

With energy costs soaring and placing many SMEs in jeopardy, there has never been a more critical time to ensure that you are using the right tools and approach to access the market.

Through the innovative TEEAM alliance of industry leading organisations, Caladen Consulting are working with Ginger Energy to provide tailored procurement solutions to our clients. 

Both Caladen and Ginger have extensive knowledge and experience in energy procurement and account management but rather than compete against each other, we have developed a dovetailed approach with each organisation providing specialist and appropriate services and support to different sectors.

Please select from below where your energy supplies fit and we will ensure that you receive the best and most appropriate service.

SME contracts, which for this purpose are defined as:

Electricity - supplies with a profile class of 01, 02, 03 & 04 (with a max annual spend of around £30k)

Gas - supplies with an annual usage of less than 100,000 kWh (with a max annual spend of around £8k)

The SME contracts will be managed by Caladen Consulting through our on-line trading portal.

All other supplies will be managed by Ginger Energy.